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31 Aralık 2012 Pazartesi

Configuring outgoing email in SharePoint 2010 with Exchange 2010 – Step by Step Guide

Creating a Receive Connector in Exchange 2010

If you recall from my previous article when we were configuring incoming email, we created a “Send Connector” in Exchange to forward the messages to the SMTP service that we had configured and installed.  This time round we will create a “Receive Connector” in Exchange 2010.
Launch the Exchange Management Console and navigate to Server Configuration / Hub Transport / New Receive Connector.  The New Receive Connector wizard is invoked.
Enter a descriptive name and ensure “Custom” is selected as the intended use.
image thumb39 Configuring outgoing email in SharePoint 2010 with Exchange 2010   Step by Step Guide sharepoint 2010 sharepoint exchange 2010 exchange 2007 exchange
Click Next
Leave “All Available IPv4” in your Local Network settings unless you have specific Exchange IP requirements.
image thumb40 Configuring outgoing email in SharePoint 2010 with Exchange 2010   Step by Step Guide sharepoint 2010 sharepoint exchange 2010 exchange 2007 exchange
Click Next
Edit the IP address of your SharePoint 2010 server.
image thumb41 Configuring outgoing email in SharePoint 2010 with Exchange 2010   Step by Step Guide sharepoint 2010 sharepoint exchange 2010 exchange 2007 exchange
Click Next
image thumb42 Configuring outgoing email in SharePoint 2010 with Exchange 2010   Step by Step Guide sharepoint 2010 sharepoint exchange 2010 exchange 2007 exchange
Click New
You will now notice that our SharePoint 2010 Outgoing mail connector is listed with our default Exchange 2010 Receive Connectors..  image thumb43 Configuring outgoing email in SharePoint 2010 with Exchange 2010   Step by Step Guide sharepoint 2010 sharepoint exchange 2010 exchange 2007 exchange
We will now venture into its properties and make a minor permission change.  Click on the “Permission Groups” tab and select Anonymous users.
image thumb44 Configuring outgoing email in SharePoint 2010 with Exchange 2010   Step by Step Guide sharepoint 2010 sharepoint exchange 2010 exchange 2007 exchange
Click Apply.
Configuring outgoing email in SharePoint 2010 Central Administration
Launch Central Administration and navigate to System Settings / E-Mail and Test Messages / Configure outgoing e-mail settings.
image thumb45 Configuring outgoing email in SharePoint 2010 with Exchange 2010   Step by Step Guide sharepoint 2010 sharepoint exchange 2010 exchange 2007 exchange
Enter your Outbound SMTP server, i.e. your Exchange server where we created our receive connector and specify a From and Reply-to address.
image thumb46 Configuring outgoing email in SharePoint 2010 with Exchange 2010   Step by Step Guide sharepoint 2010 sharepoint exchange 2010 exchange 2007 exchange
Click OK
Testing our configuration
Lets navigate to our SharePoint 2010 web application and create an Alert .  In my example I will create an immediate alert for Announcements.
Navigate to your Announcement List and click on List Tools/List and then click on “Alert Me” located in the ribbon interface.
image thumb47 Configuring outgoing email in SharePoint 2010 with Exchange 2010   Step by Step Guide sharepoint 2010 sharepoint exchange 2010 exchange 2007 exchange
Select “Set alert on this list” and select your Alert options.  Ensure that you have “send notifications immediately” selected for testing purposes.
image thumb48 Configuring outgoing email in SharePoint 2010 with Exchange 2010   Step by Step Guide sharepoint 2010 sharepoint exchange 2010 exchange 2007 exchange
image thumb49 Configuring outgoing email in SharePoint 2010 with Exchange 2010   Step by Step Guide sharepoint 2010 sharepoint exchange 2010 exchange 2007 exchange
Click OK
You should receive your notification email that you have successfully subscribed soon after creating your alert.
image thumb50 Configuring outgoing email in SharePoint 2010 with Exchange 2010   Step by Step Guide sharepoint 2010 sharepoint exchange 2010 exchange 2007 exchange
I will now create a Test Announcement to ensure that the actual alert is delivered.
image thumb51 Configuring outgoing email in SharePoint 2010 with Exchange 2010   Step by Step Guide sharepoint 2010 sharepoint exchange 2010 exchange 2007 exchange
Alas! 5 minutes later (based on the immediate timer job definition schedule) we have received our email alert confirming that our SharePoint configuration with Exchange was successful.
image thumb52 Configuring outgoing email in SharePoint 2010 with Exchange 2010   Step by Step Guide sharepoint 2010 sharepoint exchange 2010 exchange 2007 exchange
Did you know that you can also configure outgoing email for a specific Web application?  You might want to do this if you have multiple SharePoint Web Applications hosting specific site collections and would want a different From and or Reply Address setup.
Even though we are now going to configure outgoing email for a specific Web application, you are still required to setup the default farm outgoing email settings as per the above.
Configuring outgoing email for a specific Web application in SharePoint 2010 Central Administration
Launch Central Administration / Application Management / Manage Web Applications.
Select one of your Web Applications and then select “General Settings” from the Ribbon.
image thumb53 Configuring outgoing email in SharePoint 2010 with Exchange 2010   Step by Step Guide sharepoint 2010 sharepoint exchange 2010 exchange 2007 exchange
Select “Outgoing E-Mail” from the drop down.
It will pick up your default farm settings that we entered in earlier in which you can now change the From and Reply-to address to something more specific for the selected Web application.
image thumb54 Configuring outgoing email in SharePoint 2010 with Exchange 2010   Step by Step Guide sharepoint 2010 sharepoint exchange 2010 exchange 2007 exchange
Click OK
We are done!  I hope you have found this step by step guide in configuring outgoing email in SharePoint 2010 with Exchange useful, and stay tuned as we continue our journey in configuring our SharePoint 2010 Farm.

26 Aralık 2012 Çarşamba

Windows 7 God Mod Nasıl Açılır?

  God modu aktif etmek için , bir klasör oluşturun ve adını "GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}" yapmanız yeterli olacaktır.

 300’e yakın yönetim seçeneği göreceksiniz. Artık çok daha rahat bir şekilde istediğiniz yönetim aracına ulaşabilirsiniz.

25 Aralık 2012 Salı

Exchange 2007 - Export Mailbox's to PST files

In the days of Exchange 2000/2003 we used to use EXMerge to do this, but with Exchange 2007 (After Service Pack 1) we have the Export-Mailbox Powershell command.


As usual there are a number of hoops to jump through first,
1. You must be on a client that is running the x32 bit management tools (Yes I'm aware x32 bit Exchange 2007 is NOT supported for production environments but it IS supported for the use of the Management tools!). For install instructions click here.
2.You must be on a machine that has Outlook 2003 (Service pack 2 or greater) installed.
If you don't tick these two box's you will see this error.
You are running on a 64-bit computer. To export to or import from a .pst file,
you must be running a 32-bit computer that has Outlook 2003 SP2 or later instal
At line:1 char:1
+ <<<< Get-Mailbox -Database "Mail\Mailbox-Database" | Export-Mailbox -PSTFold
erPath \\mail\pst\
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RecipientTaskException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : C2D0E262
3. Your Exchange 2007 server must be at SP1 (at least).
Exchange 2007 Build Numbers = 8.1.0240.006 (SP1) or 8.2.0176.002 (SP2).
To Export a Single Users Mailbox to PST file.
1. Use the following command,
Where Administrator is the mailbox "Alias" and \\Mail\pst is the location to host the pst file (Note: you can also use a path like c:\pst).
2. Press "y" to confirm and it should complete successfully.

To Export a Whole Exchange Mailbox Database to PST file.
1. Use the following command,
Where "Mail" is the Exchange server name, "Mailbox Database" is the database name, and \\Mail\pst is the location to host the pst file (Note: you can also use a path like c:\pst).
2. Press "y" to confirm and it should complete successfully.
To Export an Active Directory's OU's Users Mailboxes to PST file.
1. Use the following command,
Where "Sales" is the Organisational unit, and \\Mail\pst is the location to host the pst file (Note: you can also use a path like c:\pst).
2. Press "y" to confirm and it should complete successfully.
Possible Problems and Errors
Problem 1 (MAPI or an unspecified service provider. ID no: 00000000-0000-00000000)
StatusMessage : Error occurred in the step: Moving messages.
Failed to copy messages to the destination
mailbox store with error:
MAPI or an unspecified service provider.
ID no: 00000000-0000-00000000
This is a permissions error you need to grant "Send As" permissions to the the account you are running the command under (i.e. the domain admin account).
issue the following powershell command,
Where the Exchange server name is "Mail" and the "DomainC" is the domain name.
Problem 2 (This mailbox exceeded the maximum number of corrupted items)
This mailbox exceeded the maximum number of corrupted items specified for this move mailbox operation, error code: -1056749110
The threshold for corrupted items is zero, try upping the limit by adding " -Baditemlimit 10002 to the end of the Export-Mailbox command i.e.

ExMerge Download
Exchange 2010 Bulk Import .pst Files
Exchange 2003 - Exporting Mail to .pst files with ExMerge

Exchange 2007 - Install the x32 Bit Management Tools

Exchange 2007 - Install the x32 Bit Management Tools


As you may already be aware Exchange 2007 on a x32 bit machine is NOT supported in a production environment, however there is one exception, x32 bit Exchange 2007 ISsupported for management only.


You can install these tools on XP, 2003, Vista or Windows 7. For this Example I'll use XP
1. Install IIS: Start > run > appwiz.cpl > add remove Windows Components > Internet Information Services(IIS) > Next.
2. Download and install .Net Version 2.0
3. Download and Install .Net SP1
4. Download and Install MMC 3.0
5. Download and Install Powershell
Install the Exchange 2007 x32 Management Tools
1. Download the Management Tools.
2. Run the .exe file and extract the files to a folder > From that folder run setup.exe
3. Select "Step 4 Install Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 SP1"
5. At the intro page > Next > Tick "I Accept..." > Next > Next >
6. Select "Custom Exchange Server Installation" > Next > Select Management Tools > Next.
7. Exchange will perform its readiness checks > Next > Finish.
8. Exchange Management Tools will launch automatically.

18 Aralık 2012 Salı

Varsayılan Gizli paylaşımların iptali "$"

Server veya client üzerinde bulunan Administrative Shares lerin kapatılması veya açılması işlemi için aşağıdaki register işlemini kullanabilirsiniz.
For NT 4.0/W2K/Windows Server 2003s, the change is:
Hive: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Key: SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanManServer\Parameters Name: AutoShareServer Data Type: REG_DWORD Value: 0
Note: A reboot is necessary for this to take effect.
For NT 4.0 Workstation/W2K Pro/XP Pro, the change is:
Hive: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Key: SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanManServer\Parameters Name: AutoShareWks Data Type: REG_DWORD Value: 0
Note: A reboot is necessary for this to take effect

Kullanılmayan Computer Account’ların silinmesi – SCCM Üzerindeki Eski Bilgisayar Hesaplarının Silinmesi -Delete Old Computers

Active Directory üzerinde bulunan ve 90 gündür oturum açılmayan bilgisayarların listesini alabilir disable edebilir veya silebilirsiniz. Bu uygulamayı indirebilmek için burayı tıklayabilirsiniz.
Komutu kullanabilmeniz için command promt ekranında aşağıdaki gibi çalıştırabilirsiniz.
C:\Users\xxxxx\Desktop>OldCmp.exe /report
OldCmp V01.05.00cpp Joe Richards (joe@joeware.net) December 2004
Processed at ISTFLY-ADC-02.mustafakasikci.com
Default Naming Context: DC=mustafakasikci,DC=com
Search completed…
Creating Report File: oldcmp.20120616-114150.htm
Command completed successfully

Komutun diğer özellikleri aşağıdaki gibidir;

-report Write report of objects
-disable Disable objects
-delete Delete objects
Delete will only work on disabled objects.
-move Move objects, use with newparent.
-newparent xx DN for a new parent to move objects to. Can be used
with move or disable options.
-stamp When used with delete w/ expire account as well
The idea being you can see the date it was done then.
-safety x How many objects to modify. (Default 10)
With this set, stops updating after x mods.
I did this because it is very easy to hurt yourself.
-unsafe Update ALL of the objects identified.
-forreal REALLY MAKE THE MODS, this is the final safety.
-h host Host to use. (Default is to autofind DC)
-s scope Scope of search. OneLevel, Subtree. (Default Subtree)
-b basedn RFC 1779 DN to start search at (Default domain root)
-users Work on users instead of computers.
-realage Filters out computers/users that have not set their
password (or haven’t logged on when llts specified).
-f filter RFC 2254 LDAP filter (Default is confusing icon smile Kullanılmayan Computer Account’ların silinmesi   SCCM Üzerindeki Eski Bilgisayar Hesaplarının Silinmesi  Delete Old Computers
-af addon RFC 2254 LDAP filter to add to builtin filter
-excldn xx Exclude objects with given string in DN. Multiple
strings delimted by semi-colon (;).
-excldndelim x Specify a delimiter for -excldn, default is (;).
-t xxx Timeout value in seconds. (Default 300 seconds)
-bit Bitwise operator filter conversion enable
:AND:= converts to :1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=
:OR:= converts to :1.2.840.113556.1.4.804:=
-ps size Page size. (Default 100)
-nodc Exclude DCs from queries
-norefer No LDAP referrals
-onlydisabled Only disabled accounts (Default All)
-age x Min Days Old for password age. (Default 90 days)
-maxage x Max Days Old for password age. (Default Infinity)
-llts If K3 domain in Domain Functional mode uses
lastLogonTimeStamp instead of pwdLastSet for age options.
-format x Report Format (Default HTML)
CSV – Delimited Text
HTML – Standard HTML
DHTML – Dynamic HTML (IE Only)
-sh Will autodisplay HTM/HTML/TXT files after run
-file x File to write to. (Default oldcmp-<DATE>.htm
-append Append to file instead of overwrite
-delim x Delimiter for CSV. (Default icon wink Kullanılmayan Computer Account’ların silinmesi   SCCM Üzerindeki Eski Bilgisayar Hesaplarının Silinmesi  Delete Old Computers
Specify TAB for \t (tab character)
-nolc Do not normalize machine names to lc – RAW Case
-nohtmlheader Don’t insert base HTML (title, body…)
-sort x Sort by various fields.
-rsort x Reverse Sort by various fields.
cn = name
pwage = password age
age = object age
OS = operating system version
LLTS = lastLogonTimestamp
oldcmp /?
Display this help
oldcmp -report
Generate html report of all cmpaccs > 90 days old
oldcmp -report -format dhtml -sh
Generate dhtml report of all cmpaccs > 90 days old
Open the report after generating it
oldcmp -report -format csv
Generate csv report of all cmpaccs > 90 days old
oldcmp -report -age 0
Generate html report of all cmpaccs
oldcmp -report -age 0 -format csv -delim tab
Generate csv (tab delimited) report of all cmpaccs
oldcmp -report -age 0 -onlydisabled
Generate html report of all disabled cmpaccs
oldcmp -report -age 0 -onlydisabled -sort cn
Generate html report of all disabled cmpaccs, sort on name
oldcmp -delete -age 0 -onlydisabled
Generate html report of all disabled cmpaccs, sort on pwage
Will show you what it would try to delete. Only up to 10.
oldcmp -delete -age 0 -onlydisabled -safety 100
Generate html report of all disabled cmpaccs, sort on pwage
Will show you what it would try to delete. Only up to 100.
oldcmp -delete -age 0 -onlydisabled -unsafe
Generate html report of all disabled cmpaccs, sort on pwage
Will show you what it would try to delete. All cmpaccs.
oldcmp -delete -age 0 -onlydisabled -unsafe -forreal
Generate html report of all disabled cmpaccs, sort on pwage
Will REALLY DELETE all accounts identified.
oldcmp -disable -unsafe -forreal
Generate html report of all cmpaccs > 90 days, sort on pwage
Will REALLY DISABLE all accounts identified.
oldcmp -report -sort OS -age 0 -maxage 60
Generate html report of all cmpaccs still valid, sort on OS
oldcmp -report -af “(operatingsystem=Windows XP Professional)” -onlydisabled
-age 0
Generate html report of all disabled Windows XP machines
oldcmp -report -b ou=mycmps,dc=domain,dc=com
Generate html report of cmpaccs >90 days in specified OU

Note: This tool is VERY POWERFUL and could be VERY DANGEROUS!
I put a lot of safety locks in it ON PURPOSE!!!
This thing can be used for quite a bit of different computer
auditing if you know what you are doing.
Thanks to many of the members of the activedir.org listserv. Lots
of good feedback came in from them when they betatested this tool
for me. Special thanks to Ryan Durant and Bob Free for helping me
with the DHTML option. It wouldn’t have made it this soon without
that needed assistance. Thanks everyone!
This software is Freeware. Use it as you wish at your own risk.
If you have improvement ideas, bugs, or just wish to say Hi, I
receive email 24×7 and read it in a semi-regular timeframe.
You can usually find me at joe@joeware.net

16 Aralık 2012 Pazar

Exchange 2007 to Exchange 2010 Upgrade / Transition / Migration

Exchange 2007 to Exchange 2010 Upgrade / Transition / Migration



I recently posted an article on Exchange 2003 to 2010 Transition, Only to be asked, "Can you do the same for Exchange 2007 to 2010?", so here it is :)
Before we start, I'm aware "Migration", "Swing Migration", and "Transition" have three very different meanings, Depending on which KB, blog or piece of Microsoft documentation you are reading. Be under no illusions the terminology, used in the title and the tags on this page is to catch the web traffic of those, who have an Exchange 2007 Server and want to move all their Exchange, to Exchange 2010 server.


In this Example I've got an Exchange 2007 Server running on Server 2003 R2 x64. My new server will run Server 2008 with Exchange 2010.
Just for a "worst case scenario" I've put in some public folders and I've got some Outlook 2003 clients.

Step 1 - "Pre-Site Visit"

1. Make sure before you start, you have the Exchange 2010 media and unlock code, youdon't want to download the media on a site with a slow internet connection, (at time of writing the disk image is 1GB in size).
2. If your existing domain controllers are all x32, and you are also upgrading domain controllers, during the process, Then you will be extending the domain schema (i.e. it's not 2003 R2 or 2008) then make sure you have x32 bit Windows media with you (Note: 2003 and 2008 R1 only, as 2008 R2 is all x64 bit).
3. You domain and forest functional levels need to be (at least) Windows Server 2003, before you start the migration.
4. Make sure any third party anti virus and/or mail scanning software is supported and will work on Exchange 2010, and you have the media and licences handy.
5. You will need to install on a x64 bit server, make sure you have a server capable, and Windows x64 bit media with licences.
6. Before you even think about going further make sure you have a good backup! If you are lucky enough to have VMware ESX, Hyper-V or another virtualisation platform, consider doing a P2V conversion on your Exchange 2007 server then simply turning the 2007 Server off, then if it all goes to hell in a hand cart simply turn the original server back on again.
6. While your thinking about backups - does your backup software support Exchange 2010? you might need a new Exchange agent, check with your software reseller.

Step 2 - "Pre Install"

1. Before you do anything, it's time for a common sense check, make sure your existing Exchange 2007 Organisation is happy and running cleanly, and has good communication with the domain and DNS. Get in the event logs and make sure it's a happy server.
Time spent on reconnaissance is seldom wasted!
2. Now you THINK Exchange is happy, it's time to MAKE SURE, launch the Exchange 2007 Management Console and select Tools > Best Practice Analyser
Run a "Health check", and an "Exchange 2007 Readiness check". (At time of writing there is no 2010 option).
3. Make sure your Exchange 2007 server(s) is/are up to "Exchange 2007 Service Pack 2" (In fact get the latest Exchange update roll up after that as well to be on the safe side).
Exchange 2007 build number

Build Numbers

Exchange 2007 RTM Version 8.0.685.24 OR 8.0.685.25
Exchange 2007 SP1 Version 8.1.(Build 240.6)
Exchange 2007 SP2 Version 8.2 (Build 176.2)
Exchange 2007 SP3 Version 8.3 (Build 83.6)
To find your Exchange 2007 service pack level compare your build number with the build numbers above. Note you may need to install Windows Installer 4.5 before you can install SP2, (this requires a reboot).
exchange service pack and rollup
4. The brief says your Global Catalog server should be at at least Server 2003 SP2, however I'd be updating all the domain 2003 controllers to Service Pack 2. (Note: you need 381Mb free space on the system drive, plus 170MB additional free space to install SP2).
Locate the Global Catalog Server
Locate Global Catalog
Find the Service Pack Level
Find Service Pack

Step 3 - "Deploy Exchange 2010"

1. Build you new x64 bit Windows server and apply all the relevant updates and service packs etc. The new server needs the Office 2010 Filter Pack Installing CLICK HERE.
2. You need to add certain roles to the new server before attempting to install Exchange 2010 you can script that though I prefer to do things myself. Start > Server Manger > Roles > Add Roles > Next > Select Web Server (IIS) > Next > Next.
3. On Role Services, under security > tick Basic Authentication > tick Windows Authentication > Tick Digest Authentication > Under Performance tick Dynamic Content Compression.
4. Under Management Tools > Select IIS6 Management Comparability > Next > Install > Close (when finished).
5. Now you need to add "Server Features", primarily .Net Framework 3.5 that is in Server Manager > Features > Add Features > Expand .NET Framework 3.5.1 Features > Expand WCF Activation > tick HTTP Activation > Select to add Required Role Services.
6. Scroll down and below "Remote Server Administration Tools" > Role Administration Tools > Select "AD DS and AD LDS Tools" > Next > Next > Next > Install > Close (when finished) > You may be asked to reboot.
Note: If you are installing on a domain controller (Which is NOT recommended), the "AD DS and LDS tools" will already be installed.
7. Post reboot the process will finish.
8. You need to set the startup type of the "Net Tcp Port Sharing" service to automatic > Click start > Run > Services.msc {enter} > Locate the Net Tcp Port Sharing Service and set its startup type to automatic.
Note: If you don't see this service then you probably didn't complete the reboot in the previous step.
The following steps are not actually required (they should be done by the actual install), BUT, on more than one occasion I've seen the setup fail and I've had to run these commands manually, so not I do them as a matter of routine.
9. Open a command windows and either navigate to the folder containing the Exchange 2010 setup files (Or the DVD) and issue the following command:
10. While still at command issue the following command:
11. While still at command issue the following command:
10. Put in the Exchange 2010 DVD, or navigate the folder containing the setup files. Run setup.exe, If you are using the multi language version you should be at "Step 3: Choose Exchange Language option" > Select it. > Select Install Languages from DVD.
setup exchange
11. Select "Step 4: Install Microsoft Exchange" > Files will extract and setup will Start.
12. At the Introduction screen > Next.
13. Accept the EULA > Next.
14. No, we don't want to do error reporting > Next > Select "Typical" > (If you installing with SP1 see the note below) > Next.
*****Update 18/03/11*****
If you are deploying Exchange 2010 with SP1 included, at this point select "Automatically install Windows Server roles and features required for Exchange Server"
15. If this is the only one, or it going to be your main "Bridgehead Server" then it will be internet facing > tick the box > enter your full domain name > Next
internet facing
16. No we don't want to join the CEIP > Next > Exchange will perform a series of readiness checks > when finished click Install.
17. When done, click Finish > And the Exchange Management Console will Launch > To enter the Product Key, select "Server Configuration > Select the server > Select Enter Product Key. Then either restart the Exchange information store service or reboot.

At this point don't expect each server to show up in the others Exchange Management Console

Step 4 - "Configure and Migrate"

1. First I'm going to create a public folder database, and replicate the public folders form Exchange 2007 into it, Go to the Exchange Management console on the 2010 server. > Expand "Organisation Configuration > Mailbox > Database Management tab > "New Public Folder Database. > Give the database a a name and choose the NEW server to host it > Next > New > Finish.
Then you need to make the new public folder database, the default one for the mailbox database > right click the mailbox database > Properties > Client Settings > Browse > Select the new one > OK > Apply.
2. The next step is to set up a replica of your public folders in the new database, to do this use the Toolbox > Public Folder Management console.
3. Now Exchange 2010 has its own public folder database it connects to that by default, Right click "Public Folders" > Select "Connect to Server" > Browse to the OLD server.
4. Select > Default Public Folders > The public folders should show in the middle screen > Right click the first one and select properties > replication tab > Add > Add in the NEWserver > OK > You can un-tick the "Use public folder data store replication schedule" and change the drop down to "Always run" if you wish > Apply > OK.
5. If you have any Outlook 2003 clients you need to replicate the "SCHEDULE+ FREE BUSY" public folder > This is under "System Public Folders" > Select it and you will see the folder in the centre view, create a replica on the NEW server as in the above step.
Replication is a LOT faster than it used to be, within a few hours it should be complete, occasionally it stalls, if that that happens right click "Public Folders" and select "Update-Hierarchy" or In the Exchange Management shell issue the following command.
Update-PublicFolderHierarchy -Server {Exchange2007 Servername}
6. At this point you need to change the SMTP feed from the old Exchange 2007 box to the new Exchange 2010 Server, how you do this depends on your network setup, some examples of how you might do this are,
i. Change the SMTP (TCP Port 25) Port redirect on your router/firewall address
ii. Swap IP addresses from the old to the new server.
iii. Change the translation from public to private IP address to point to the new IP.
Note: If you have any mail scanning servers, anti spam hardware devices etc, then they will also need changing to point to the new server.
7. You will need to add the NEW server to the exchange organisations send connector, from within the Exchange Management Console > Organisation Configuration > Hub Transport > Send Connectors > Right click your send connector (yours may have a different name) > Properties > Source Server > Add > Add in the NEW server > Apply.
Then test mail flow works once again, this time through the new server.
8. Now you can start moving mailboxes from the old server to the new one, what I tend to do is move one mailbox, test mail flow outbound/inbound, then test mail flow internally from the mailbox I've just moved, to a mailbox that's still on the old server. Once I've proved this works I will move the rest of the mailbox's.
To move a mailbox, open the exchange 2010 management console, expand "Recipient Configuration" > Select Mailbox > You should see all the mailbox's listed > Right click the mailbox you want to move > Select "New Local Move Request".
At the introduction screen, hit the browse button and select your new servers data store > Next > Next > New > Finish.
Once you have moved one and tested, it you can move the rest of the mailbox's.
Note: Outlook 2003 cannot connect to Exchange 2010, you need to turn on encryption before it will work. In Outlook Tools >Email Accounts > View or Change > Select the Exchange account > Change > More Settings > Security > Tick "Encrypt data between Microsoft Office Outlook and Microsoft Exchange Server > Apply > Restart Outlook.

To disable Encryption for ALL Exchange 2010 connections

Issue the following powershell command in the Exchange 2010 Management Shell.
9. Next task is to change the server responsible for generating the offline address book. On the Exchange 2010 server Exchange Management Console, Expand "Organization Configuration" > Mailbox > Select the "Offline Address Book" tab > Right click the Default Offline address book and select "Move" > Browse > Select the new server > OK > Move > Finish.
10. Now you will need to change your backups to include the new data stores. Your backup software will probably require you install the Microsoft Exchange Server MAPI Client and Collaboration Data Objects before it can back up the datastores correctly, before you install the backup agents (ARCserve and Symantec Backup Exec for example). Download the CDO Objects here.
11. Be aware: some AV software (McAfee for example) likes to block TCP port 25 (SMTP), this is not good on an Exchange server! don't forget to disable this feature or you may have mail flow issues.
12. Still on the subject of AV, Make sure the folders that contain the Exchange Databases and Logs are EXCLUDED from the AV scans. (If not. your Exchange Server can break if your AV decides to quarantine a log file for example). You should have Exchange aware Backup solutions anyway, e.g. McAfee GroupShield, Trend ScanMail, etc.

Step 5 - "Do Nothing"

1. Now I would wait, If you have any Outlook 2003 clients they will need to log on and get redirected to the new exchange server for their mail - this happens seamlessly in the background as long as the old server is still on, (though I have seen it fail and need to be manually changed on a handful of client machines).
Note: By

Step 6 - "Decommission and remove Exchange 2007"

1. First check your Public folders are in sync. Connect to each server and compare the size and item count, don't forget to also check the SHEDULE+ FREE/BUSY folder if you set that to replicate.
Remove the replicas from the original server.
2. Now I would delete the mailbox database(s) from the old server.
Then the Public Folder Database.
Click HERE
or in EXTREME situations (sometimes it refuses to delete no matter what you do) run ADSIedit and remove it from CN=Configuration,CN=Services, CN=Microsoft Exchange, CN={organisation name i.e First Organisation}, CN=Administrative Groups, CN={Administrative Group name}, CN=Servers, CN={servername}, CN=Information Store, CN={Storage Group Name}, CN={Public Folder Database Name} THEN REBOOT
3. You now need to remove the old server from the source server list on the organisation send connector.
4. In control panel go to add remove programs and select Exchange Server 2007 > Next > Untick all the roles > Untick Management Tools > Next.
The server will run thorough its readiness checks > Uninstall > Finish.